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What we do?

We have developed links and carry out consultancy work with many organizations and partners. We provide consultancy on:

Indian sports policy - competition law etc.
  • We will be conducting the National Conference of Sports Law India and view the ideas of Sports lovers, sportsmen, lawyers, sports administrators and sports educators to prepare the draft policy of Indian Sports Act to ensure that they provide proper structure and liabilities of the sports bodies to the Parliament and Public at large.
  • We will prepare key policies for sportsmen/ sportswomen/ sports bodies/ associations administrators including code of conducts, policies for discipline, selection, harassment, conflict of interests, recruitment and awards, etc.
  • We will prepare policy manuals for you as well as orientation packages and presentation for new board members.
  • We can assist you in interpreting policy clauses and advising on proper procedure where there is ambiguity in any policy.
Sports injuries - issues of liability
  • Our risk management service can provide advise on potential liabilities problem, claim and compensation, consultation to prepare a detail risk assessment and risk management plan for your organization or program.
  • We will prepare the insurance provisions, reviews and recommendations to ensure that you have the proper type of scope and levels of insurance coverage as a sportsperson/organizer and program coordinator.
  • We will draft waiver assumption of risk and informed consent agreement for your participant and advise you on the proper for their execution.
  • Consult with us when establishing or organizing any contract or agreement for any kind of sports risk management.
Employment issues in sports - e.g. discrimination
  • Advise on recruitment and interview questions
  • Draft employee or independent contract agreements
  • Ensure that all contractual agreement accrues to you in the matter of intellectual property agreement between employee and employer
  • Conduct employment search in sports for various employers
  • Keep you informed the vacancies available for sportspersons in India and also for employment data.
  • Intellectual property issues in sport
  • We can select and register a trademark or an official mark
  • Ensure that your organization controls all copyrights in material it might distribute, sell or license
  • Explore what marketing use can be made of an individual personality
  • Design and implement variety of license programs
  • Draft letter to unauthorized users of your trademark, know-how or copyright material
  • Draft legal letters for breach of agreement and contract in the matter of
  • Sue or conduct litigations on your behalf in disputes related to sports
Online Advocating in legal disputes of sports in Court on behalf of sports persons and sports bodies
  • We can help ensure in all the matter related with the disputes in sports or any kind of activities related with sports be it contract agreement, organization, policies making, drafting of bylaws, legal letters or even appointing advocates/lawyers for you at various High Courts in India, Supreme Court of India and abroad.
Harassment in Sports
  • We can suggest and review the draft policy for preventing sexual harassment in sports
  • We can suggest and review the laws and policies for the harassment of fair sex in sports
  • We can suggest the means and methods for equality rights for fair sex, girl child and female participants of sports
  • We can conduct internal investigations and inquiries for you on the harassment in sports
  • We can suggest humanitarian and constitutional law for prevention of racial and gender harassment
Organizational matter
  • We advise on organization structures and forms of sports organizations, conduct of National Championship in various sports.
  • Arranging for sponsorship for various sports meets and organizations
  • We take the work to incorporate a new company, trust or foundations form a partnership design related with sports events
  • Incorporate a nonprofit association/societies or obtain registration for the Act of Sports
  • Update minute books and ensure all records and resolutions as complete
  • Advise administrative liabilities and due diligence investigations
  • Review and interpret bylaws and other key governing documents
  • Assist to conduct Annual General Meeting with contentious issues for sports organizations
Alternate dispute resolution
  • We administer the Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) for amateur sports in India as well as all appeals and adjudication under the Indian law on penalties for doping in sports and sports related disputes like match fixing, corruption, breach of contract, violence, etc.
  • We can advise on the best method for resolving within your organization and where appropriate can intervene to try to negotiate acceptable solution
  • We will appoint mediators and arbitrators under the provisions of International Courts for Sports Arbitration to help you resolve disputes in a professional, effective and timely manner
  • We can advise internal panels or sit on a panel as your appointee
  • We can carry neutral fact-finding investigation using skilled and trained investigators

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